Posting on social media is exciting and one can get carried away putting up sporadic posts which are not targeted at yielding traction. Lately, Instagram has become quite popular with businesses, but most business owners are still not quite sure of how to leverage on the opportunity it presents.

Instagram platform offers business and personal account options. As an entrepreneur, you need to strategically use the platform to make your brand stand out.

A key strategy is to switch your profile to a business account. Here are a few other reasons to consider doing so:

1. You can promote your business or post as done on Facebook.


2. You can be easily contacted by a click on provided tabs on your profiles for Call, Email, and Direction.
3. You can set up, run, and track campaigns as done with Facebook ads.
4. Put in a link to your business Facebook page.
5. You have insights on who your followers are, their location, age, and gender distribution.
6. You get more insights for
a. Instagram Stories – how many views you have
b. New post – how many times it has been viewed and unique count of viewers
c. Clicks on your Email and Website

All these, especially the given insight on followers, enables businesses target the right followers for advertisement, and if your followers are not the right segment you need for a profitable business, you can re-strategize to acquire the right followers.

Remember to post what would educate your potential and loyal customers, grow your business/sales, keep followers engaged and convert new followers to customers.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Great! I am currently not an insta user, but your post will make me reconsider especially the opportunities for business intelligence on the platform.
    Thank you.

    1. Thanks Abo.

      I am looking forward to doing business with you

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