Having a great website design has become one of the most crucial parts of owning a business today because it works as an online representation of your business and brand. That is why your choice of website has to be strategically designed to convert customers to leads.


More than 90% of customers conduct online research and go through reviews before buying any products or before signing projects with any company, so every business needs to ensure they have a good online representation.


It is recommended that you choose a WordPress website design because it is the best platform that enables you to rank on the first page on search engine when potential clients are searching.


It is crucial to have your WordPress website designed to meet certain requirements, to enable searchers to have access to your business, whether you are available or not. This will attract more business leads, customers and increase revenue for you in the future. However, before building your WordPress website, you need to define your objective for it. For instance,



·        What are the goals of your WordPress website?

·        Who do you want to use your website?

·        What do those users want to do on your website?

·        What pages should go on your website to meet business goals and user needs etc



Though designing a website for your small business can be a daunting task for you, it is surely a worthy investment you are going to make for your business.


If you are an owner of a business and want to build an online presence, we have put together a checklist of what to expect from your web designer when his job is done.


1.   Simple, user-friendly design

User experience must be top of mind when asking for a website design. A website must be simple and easy to navigate for users. For small businesses, once you are done with your company name and the services that you offer, you must not forget to place your business information in a visible place on your website so that your visitors can easily spot your contact. Having your business information like your local address, phone number, email address, etc displayed on your website works as a virtual guarantee for your potential customers and assures them that you are a legit business.



2.   Page loading speed matters

Research has also shown that if a website does not load in 2 seconds, 47% of users will ditch the website and 40% of the consumers will not return to the website after having a negative experience. 53% of the mobile users leave sites that take more than 3 seconds to load. So, if you want your potential clients to browse your website and make them visit again. Your website should be designed to load very fast within 2 seconds.


3.   Is your website design mobile responsive?

In 2016, mobile users surpassed desktop in Internet traffic. Today, just over 52% of all Internet users browse websites from a smartphone. This means that more than half of those people visiting your site are doing so from mobile technology. Every visitor to your website should have a positive experience regardless of what device they’re using. Otherwise, you’ll alienate specific groups and hurt your chances of sales or leads.


  1. Testimonials

People like proofs. They immediately believe the words told by fellow customers than the words of the business owner. They want to hear from other people directly and know about their experiences. According to BrightLocal, more than 90% of consumers read online reviews and nearly 88% say they believe those reviews. So, small businesses should have a portfolio section with client testimonials and reviews on their website. These two sections display your company’s performance and help your business to get potential leads.


5.   SEO optimized website design

Search engine optimization brings your website targeted leads who are looking for your products/services. You may ask your web designer to add this to the website design service.


There are plenty of web design factors to keep track of. Bellavi media has a lot of experience in web design, and we’re happy to help you make sure all the boxes are ticked in the web design process.


Contact us to create an engaging website for your business

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